Friday, October 7, 2011

Learning Everyday

It's been a little crazy here this past week. I have been preparing and studying for university midterms, something which is incredibly overwhelming. Amidst this craziness, I have also learned how to put together a business plan for Diamond Willow Designs. At first I thought this would be a simple thing, but as I began writing, I figured out quickly that this was far more complex than I thought! It was a bit of a long process as well, taking up time that also could have been used for studying. But this process taught me more about balance. For the rest of my life, I am going to be balancing many things everyday. At the end of the week, I started to feel better about my business and school work. For the next while, the balance between both is going to be important to my success. But I am feeling quite confident about both and ready to take on what is next to come!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

In the Madness of it All

First off, I would like to apologize for not getting this up yesterday, but bear with me! It has been quite a month! I have been living in residence at the University of Lethbridge for the past few weeks, and have started my first semester of classes. University life has been quite a change from my comfortable and familiar life on the ranch, but every step has been an adventure.

Since I am an art major, I am incredibly excited about my art classes at school. So far, the classes are all about the basics of drawing and 3D work, but later on I will be able to specialize. My future classes are one step closer to me being successful in the fields I love- graphic design and photography.

At the moment, Diamond Willow Designs has become a side project for me, as school has now become my top priority. I am learning how to balance both school and work and it hasn't always been easy. At the moment, I don't have any client projects in the works. However, I have managed to capture some photos of my new home in the coulees of Lethbridge. Stay tuned and I will post them as soon as I can.

The business end of things is still quite new to me. Right now, I am currently working on my business plan and there is more that goes into it that I thought! But I am learning everyday and enjoying it all the way!

The ranch sunset- what I have been missing the most!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Start of Something Big

As I'm sitting here and blogging, I am still finding it hard to believe the opportunity I have. Last weekend, I competed in the second annual Perfect Pitch competition at Bashaw. The competition allows entrepreneurs to pitch a business idea to a panel of judges, in hopes of having the "perfect pitch". There was around 19 senior competitors which became 5 finalists in the end. This year there was a junior age category added to the contest. In the end, I was the only junior to pitch an idea, allowing me to move on to the overall finals along with the 5 seniors. In the next few months, I will be working to promote my visual communications business, Diamond Willow Designs. I will have a business mentor to help me through this process. In November, I will do a final pitch at Farmfair International, in hopes of winning $25,000.00 I still can't believe this great opportunity, and I thank all of the perfect pitch organizers and sponsors for making this possible!